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Five Ways Commercial Insurance Can Save Your Business

If you run a small business, an endless list of tasks demands your attention every day. In addition to managing your operations, you also need to ensure the safety of your inventory and your employees. Fortunately, you can ease one of these burdens by purchasing commercial insurance. The team at Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI, is ready to assist you in crafting the ideal business insurance package tailored to your specific needs. Here are five reasons why you should consider this option sooner rather than later.

Preservation of Your Commercial Space

Regardless of whether you own or lease your business premises, it’s crucial to have commercial insurance in place to safeguard your operations. This type of coverage protects your inventory, shelving, office furniture, and the physical structure of your workplace. If you’re operating under a corporate or commercial lease, your landlord will likely require proof of insurance.

Covers Costly Equipment

Commercial insurance can provide coverage for your business’s valuable assets, such as new computers, phones, copiers, and other expensive equipment. While wear and tear aren’t covered, you’ll be reimbursed for hefty repair costs arising from covered events.

Protection Against Medical Expenses Following Accidents

A comprehensive business insurance package can shield you from financial turmoil if a customer sustains injuries, for instance, due to slipping and falling on your premises. To understand how to secure coverage for medical and legal charges associated with such accidents, consult with a knowledgeable insurance agent.

Product Defects Coverage

If your business involves selling products, there’s always a risk of clients holding you accountable for personal injuries arising from defective items. Shielding your business from the potential blow of lawsuits or medical expenses is crucial – and that’s where product defect coverage fits into your business insurance plan.

Ensuring Continuity During Business Interruption

Various unforeseen events, ranging from civic unrest to inclement weather, can threaten your business’s smooth operation. With business interruption insurance, you can meet your payroll and bill payments and recover lost sales during such periods.

Contact Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI, today to begin creating your custom commercial insurance package!

Three things you’ll love about your commercial insurance policy

Insure your company in Grand Rapids, MI with our assistance at Dalessandro Agency Inc. There are plenty of great things you’ll love about having commercial insurance for your business venture.

The following are three things you’ll love about your commercial insurance policy. 

Carrying commercial insurance can help your company attract top talent.

Prospective employees at your company will want you to be insured. You’ll have more to offer your employees if you’ve invested in insurance for your company. 

Certain types of business insurance, such as workers’ compensation coverage are highly beneficial to a company’s workers. This means that you’ll find it easier to attract top talent in your industry when you carry commercial insurance. 

Carrying commercial insurance improves your company’s reputation.

A company that doesn’t carry commercial insurance coverage might come across as unprofessional and unreliable.

Investing in commercial insurance for your company boosts your company’s reputation and makes prospective customers take your company more seriously. 

Carrying commercial insurance can make it easier to form valuable business partnerships.

In many industries, forming partnerships with other companies is important for growing and increasing profits. Yet potential partners may be reluctant to work with your company if you’re not carrying commercial insurance. Companies may fear your company won’t be dependable and financially secure if you’re not insured. 

Acquiring commercial insurance will make other companies feel better about working with you so that you can take advantage of opportunities that come up. 

Explore your commercial insurance options in Grand Rapids, MI. At Dalessandro Agency Inc., we offer commercial insurance quotes to area business owners. Get started by getting in touch with us!

Why your home business needs commercial insurance

Home businesses have been growing in popularity for some time and about 50% of small businesses begin as home businesses. It is a big advantage not to have to rent or buy a building to house your business. But, you may think that this also saves you money, since you won’t need commercial insurance. That could be a very bad decision. At Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI, we understand home businesses and also commercial insurance. 

Why your home business needs commercial insurance

Why you need commercial property insurance

Home property insurance covers your home and there is separate coverage for content. The content of your home is not the same as what you need to protect your business property. You might get a little bit of coverage from your home policy, but it is not designed to replace inventory or business tools. You need insurance that is personalized for your particular type of business. 

Why you need commercial liability insurance

If you are running a business out of your home and you are serving clients or customers in your home, you could be sued by someone who is injured while visiting you or who is dissatisfied with a product or service you provide. If someone sues you after visiting your home on business, or just for the injuries, your home insurance won’t cover the claim. They will only cover non-business-related injuries. 

Why you need commercial auto insurance

Most people who have a home business don’t realize that if you are using your personal vehicle to do business, your auto insurance won’t cover you. It covers you for non-business-related accidents, but if you are delivering something to a customer and have an accident, you are out of luck. It isn’t worth taking the risk. 

Contact Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI for all your commercial insurance needs. 

Tips When Shopping For Commercial Insurance in Grand Rapids, MI

If you own a business in Grand Rapids, MI, purchasing business insurance is the easiest and safest strategy of cushioning your business against unforeseen events. Unfortunately, procuring commercial insurance isn’t cut and dry, especially if you haven’t purchased this coverage before. However, whether you know little or nothing about commercial insurance, Dalessandro Agency Inc. shares tips you need to observe when shopping for your business insurance.

Understand the legal requirements 

The first tip when shopping for business insurance is to make sure you meet the minimum legal requirements. For instance, if your business is in Michigan, you are required to purchase commercial auto insurance and workers’ comp insurance as a minimum. 

Compliance with state-required commercial insurance plans saves your business fines and penalties resulting from non-compliance. 

Understand your risks

As a business owner, nobody understands your business as you do. To that end, you are the best person to develop a risk profile for your business. Then, with the help of your insurance agent, you can purchase insurance coverages that protect your business-specific risks.

Know the types of commercial insurance coverages

Commercial insurance is broad. There are many coverages, and you should know those that suit your business needs. If you understand the commercial insurance coverages, it will be easy to choose those that accentuate your nature of business.

Prioritize coverage over cost

While every penny counts, you will blunder if you view commercial insurance as another expense. While it doesn’t come free, commercial insurance saves you significant financial losses in the future when disasters strike. 

It can be tempting to pick the cheapest coverage, but it could cost you big time when calamities occur. As such, you are better off stretching your budget a bit more to accommodate a commercial insurance plan that will save your business in the future. 

Commercial insurance in Grand Rapids, MI

Would you like to learn more tips about shopping for business insurance in Grand Rapids, MI? Please contact Dalessandro Agency Inc. for more information.

What protection does commercial insurance offer my small business

Running a small business comes with challenges that can seem overwhelming. Every small business has risks particular to their type of work. Commercial insurance has many different lines, and some of them can help you protect your business. By talking to an insurance professional you can trust, it helps take the stress out of getting the right commercial insurance for your small business. At Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI, we are a locally owned and operated independent agency that has served the area for 25 years. 

Commercial Property Coverage

Commercial property insurance is a valuable coverage whether you own the building your business is in or rent. It covers your business from perils such as natural disasters, theft, and fire. Beyond the physical structure, it provides coverage for the machinery you use to do business. It will replace office machinery, furniture, inventory, and records. If a covered hazard damages your business, you can get back to business sooner with commercial property insurance.  

Commercial Liability Insurance

Commercial liability insurance does what all liability insurance does; it protects you from the result of legal actions against you or the results of an injury. It pays things such as medical bills, lost time, legal bills, and judgments. 

Workers’ Compensation

In the state of Michigan, a private employer must carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have three or more employees at any given time or if they employ one or more workers for 13 or more weeks at 35 hours or more per week. This is actually a good thing and makes it easier to retain employees who know they are protected from job injuries. 

If you have questions about your small business’s commercial insurance at Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI, we have the answers. Please stop by our office or give us a call for a free quote. 

How commercial insurance can save your business

As a business owner in Grand Rapids, MI and the surrounding area, you know that there are things that can happen that can harm your business. You have a lot of work to do between your customers and staff. You have records to keep and bills to pay, and it can be a little overwhelming. Having someone to help you navigate the complicated world of commercial insurance can take one worry off your plate. The agents at Dalessandro Agency Inc. can tailor a policy to fit your particular needs. 

Commercial insurance is not one size fits all. Not every business will need every type of commercial coverage. Depending on the type of business that you are conducting and the location of your business, your needs may not be the same as any other customers.  

Liability coverage is something that just about every business will need at one point or another. It covers a variety of things that you can be sued for. It could be that someone is hurt on your premises or by one of your products. It could be something you said that someone took offense to, or it could be a disgruntled former employee. No matter what, this coverage will keep you in business. 

In Michigan, most employers need to carry worker’s compensation for their employees. The agents at Dalessandro Agency Inc. know the rules and will help to make sure that you comply with the law. 

Commercial property insurance protects the building where you do business, whether it is Grand Rapids, MI or another area city. But there is more to your business than the building. There is the inventory, the machinery, the office equipment, and supplies. You can’t do business without these. 

Commercial insurance can save your business. Come in and sit down with the agents at Dalessandro Agency Inc. and let us talk to you about the perfect coverage for your business.